Monday, October 17, 2005

Life & death

Something unnatural that happens in between birth and death.

Something natural that happens in between ur sleeps and ur wakeups.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Love !

Love is nothing but what to say em..a FEELING..

Its a feeling of uniqueness, a feeling that drives the very emptiness in you...
Its actually a mystery un revealed, and a unseen place for people who dont beleive.. but a well known place as beauty as paradise for people who believe that they are in love. It happens between two hearts when they strive to beat as one..

It happpens while one heart tries to synchronise its beats for the other heart's tune.
It happens to be a dream that your heart makes .
It happens when your heart controls your mind..
It happens when your subconscious mind speaks conscious things..
It happens like a light in darkness. It happens like a Direction for a Lost person. It happens when you feel like to both live and die equally..
It makes u feel worth living for and worth dying for.

Love is Pure, Love is Divine, Love is Trust , Love is God.
Ya its
G - Generates life in you ;
O - Operates ur heart if wounded
D- Destroys ur worries & problems .

But i feel trying to explain love for others is like trying to explain colors to a Blind .. its jus "IMPOSSIBLE"..

Let God bless all you as he blessed me with True love..a love that never hurts a love that never pains .. a love that never dies...

wondering why ? coz i like to see nice things happening around which happened for me.

Dont fall in love but rise!